Sunday, February 8, 2009

You find humor in other people's stupidity...

So... in an IEP meeting, the father said, "We didn't know he was being tardy so often." Then five minutes later, "You keep calling us about his attendance!"  
Do parents even think before they speak?

The Parent-Teacher Conference
The previous day, Mr. English Teacher requested a parent-teacher conference in Ms. Counselor's office because The Boy was being disrespectful, disruptive, and not doing his work on a daily basis. 

The appointment was set for 10:15, Mr. English Teacher's conference period. Mt. English Teacher was there and Ms. Counselor was there, but no Ms. Parent. At 1:15, Ms. Parent unapologetically showed up with her grand-baby in a stroller. It was as if Ms. Parent didn't even know she was 3 hours late. Ms. Counselor explained that Ms. Parent had missed the appointment, that Mr. English Teacher was not available because he was teaching class, and that Ms. Counselor would not be available for 30 minutes because she had back-to-back appointments with students. Ms. Parent waited.

Just after Ms. Parent showed up, Ms. Computer Teacher called and sent a behavior referral for The Boy. He had not attended her class for 12 days, so Ms. Attendance Coordinator had walked him to that class yesterday. Finally in computer class, he removed and rearranged the keys on the keyboard. Ms. Counselor told Ms. Computer Teacher that Ms. Parent was there and Ms. Counselor would address the situation with Ms. Parent, so please send The Boy to the office. The boy was not in class, so Ms. Counselor radioed for Campus Supervisors to look for The Boy.

When Ms. Counselor was available, she called in Ms. Parent and soon, The Boy had been found and brought to the office. Ms. Attendance Coordinator came to the meeting and everyone discussed the problems. The Boy denied the problems, stating that everyone was lying and 'out to get him.' That 'victim' excuse doesn't work in Ms. Counselor's office. Ms. Counselor insisted that Ms. Parent attend a full day of school with The Boy.

Ms. Parent asked, "May I bring the baby?" Is she serious??? It seems so!

"Uh, NO! We cannot have a baby in classes. It would be disruptive. Your daughter will need to find another babysitter for Tuesday." Answered Ms. Counselor.